Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Guns don't kill people, bullets kill people.

Since I no longer wish to rely upon name calling and finger pointing, I have taken it upon myself to share my political beliefs in a blog. This is part three in a series of such entries.

The assault weapons ban will expire in September 2004 unless President George W. Bush and Congress renew it. That means that UZIs, AK-47s and other semiautomatic assault weapons could begin flooding our streets again as the weapons of choice for gang members, drug dealers and other dangerous criminals.

When a gun is fired, identifying marks are made on the bullets and cartridge casings. Those marks, called ballistic fingerprints, are as unique as human fingerprints - no two firearms leave the same marks. The marks are also reproducible - every time a gun is fired it leaves identical marks. The uniqueness and reproducible qualities of ballistic fingerprints can provide a critical tool to law enforcement for solving gun crimes by rapidly identifying the specific weapon that was used in a crime.

Most people who have permits to carry concealed weapons, people who are not law enforcement officers, have limited training and undergo less testing than even a novice police recruit. There should be strict limits on public carrying of concealed handguns. If permits are going to be issues, law enforcement should have broad discretion to issue or deny permits based on what is best for public safety.

The gun industry manufactures and markets the only widely available consumer products designed to kill. Unfortunately, thanks to the power of the gun lobby, the gun industry also manufactures and markets the only widely available product for which there are no consumer product safety standards.

Federal law concerning gun sales and ownership is a crazy-quilt of legislation; because of the efforts of the gun lobby to prevent sensible gun laws at the national level, what little law there is tends to cover few areas comprehensively. Due to the poorly-written laws on the books, a category known as "private sellers" exists, where anyone who wants to sell guns from his or her "private collection" need not conduct background checks, keep any records or find out if the buyer is qualified or knowledgeable about firearms in any way.

While there is no evidence that the .50 caliber sniper rifle was designed for recreational use, its manufacturers have often labeled it as a sporting rifle to legitimize their sale of this deadly weapon to the public. Unfortunately, along with everyday citizens, potential terrorists, militia members and other violent individuals also have easy access to both the armor piercing ammunition and the sniper rifles at gun stores, over the internet, at gun shows and through person to person sales.

In the first six years after the passage of the Brady Law, background checks helped to stop more than 600,000 prohibited purchasers - felons, juveniles and those convicted of domestic violence - from buying firearms. But the sunset of the Brady waiting period removed a safeguard that must be restored.

Source: Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

Environmentally challenged

Since I no longer wish to rely upon name calling and finger pointing, I have taken it upon myself to share my political beliefs in a blog. This is part two in a series of such entries.

Clean air is a basic right for all of us, and is especially important for our children's health. Protect the basic right of clean air for all Americans.

Work to educate and enlist the public in protecting and restoring the quality of our nation's waters and wetlands.

Systems of corporate governance and the corporate abuse of power interfere with the ability of communities and nations to protect the environment. Takes action through shareholder resolutions, opposing corporate water privatization, and education regarding the fundamentals of corporate power.

Population growth affects the environment. Work to slow that growth and its impacts by promoting voluntary family planning and by encouraging the public to advocate for women and girls' access to basic rights, including health care and education.

Work to promote solutions to global warming using current and cutting-edge technology that will reduce our use of fossil fuels. By switching to energy efficient cars and trucks, and clean, renewable energy, we can curb global warming pollution, save consumers money and curtail our reliance on oil.

Work to protect and restore healthy forest ecosystems and sustainable local economies, preserve our National Forests, and protect communities from the danger of fires.

At a time when its accumulation is accelerating and no plan for its permanent isolation has been developed anywhere in the world, nuclear waste is one of the greatest problems of the twentieth century.

Trade is integrally linked to more traditional environmental issues such our access to clean air, clean water and open spaces to enjoy. Work toward trade that is clean, green and fair, where peoples' lives and livelihood's are protected.

America has been blessed with a rich array of native fish and wildlife. Meet the stewardship responsibilities for this web of life with which we are all entrusted so that future generations are able to explore and enjoy the natural world.

Work to fight poorly planned runaway development and promotes smart growth communities that increase transportation choices, reduce air and water pollution, and protect our natural places.

Sustainable consumption is the use of goods and services that satisfy basic needs and improve quality of life while minimizing the usage of irreplaceable natural resources and the byproducts of toxic materials, waste, and pollution.

Toxic chemical pollution threatens every American family and every community. In 1996 alone, State and federal governments allowed polluters to dump more than 175 million pounds of cancer-causing chemicals into our air and water.

Trash transfer stations are sprouting up in urban areas across the nation and more and more neighborhoods are being forced to respond quickly and strategically to the threat they pose to neighbors' health, property value, and quality of life.

Secure the lasting protection for the 100 million acres of wild America in the next decade.

Source: Sierra Club.

The long arm of the Lord

Since I no longer wish to rely upon name calling and finger pointing, I have taken it upon myself to share my political beliefs in a blog. This is part one in a series of such entries.

Parents are the proper agents to determine what religion, if any, their children are exposed to. Public schools have no right to usurp parental authority by imposing religion on schoolchildren. Mandatory prayer, Bible reading or other religious activities sponsored by public schools are fundamental violations of the right of conscience.

Government at every level must represent all citizens, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Muslims and others. Courts, city halls and other units of government should refrain from displaying religious symbols because such actions send the message that the state has a favored religion and that people who do not share that faith are second-class citizens.

Positions on federal courts should be reserved for those who understand and respect the important role separation of church and state plays in ensuring religious freedom. Candidates who attack church-state separation, insist that the United States is a "Christian" nation, fail to respect the religious diversity of the country or support state funding of religion are not suitable for service on the federal courts.

Houses of worship and religious leaders may address political and social issues, but federal tax law bars most non-profit groups from endorsing or opposing candidates for public office. Churches, temples and mosques must refrain from outright electioneering. It is not the job of religious leaders to tell people which candidates to vote for or not vote for.

Americans in need of social services, such as welfare support, job training, emergency shelter and food/clothing supplies, should be able to get the help they need without being pressured to take part in religious activities. "Faith-based" initiatives, which propose turning the provision of social services over to religious groups, threaten individual rights and could lead to taxpayer support of religious ministries.

Source: Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
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